
Don’t you just love that picture above? I bought it from some years back.

Make It Motivate You

I created this section because I truly love to be inspired and motivated. Importantly, I’ve learned that motivation is only a word if you can’t follow up with actions. Sometimes we can have all the tools we need and still struggle with staying motivated. I say this because with all the love I have for being motivated it took me forever and a day to launch my blog.

It took me so long to find a blog name and another three months to post my articles. Why? I kept getting in my own way by continuously procrastinating and finding yet another problem to research before launching. It became very time-consuming. The best way to get something done is to make it motivate you to follow through.

Imagine finding great blog writers offering great content on how to start your blog ( is really your friend). Then imagine signing up for said content but yet finding another great blogger with the same information or another free series on how to make your page pop, build a brand, and a website.

What did I do? I kept signing up for different information! Then that turned into free email series on how to write an about me/bio section, get subscribers and earn money. So, as you can imagine I had more emails that I couldn’t keep up with. I’ll discuss more on that real soon under a new blog post. 


motivate, motivation,

Allowing Worry and Fear to Set In

I am one of those people that spend a significant time worrying about what others think. Honestly, it’s a constant struggle BUT it is something that I’m more aware of and that can only mean with time I will do better at not caring. In my opinion, worrying about the thoughts of others is nothing to be ashamed of because it’s normal. However, you don’t want that worry to dictate your every move.

We live in a society where there is a manual and an opinion for everything, no wonder it’s a challenge. The great thing is that now I question just about everything – go to college? Have a religion? Buy a house when you’re this age? Nope, you can do anything you want and when you want it when your mind is right and motivated.  Perhaps I should read  “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck” By Mark Manson.

Anyway, as some may already know living in the constant fear of worrying places you in the direction of fear and self-doubt.  I had to remind myself many times that people are always going to talk, judge, compare and doubt you.  Yes, people will critique how you write, look and speak! So, I wanted to be my own motivation.

I knew that my desire to get over this fear of starting something new was all about me being motivated for change. I know this is going to be a really hard section for me because my motivation for change largely depends on the decisions that I make moving forward.

I actually had to learn to get out of my own way by following other successful business owners that preach the “just do it” method. I think when I heard Gary Vaynerchuk mention on social media that folks need to stop buying “how to” books and start doing truly resonated with me.  It was at that point where I miraculously remembered all the “how to” books I purchased and all the bloggers that sent me free information that I didn’t have the time to view! It was not only time consuming but expensive.


It took sometime before I realized that I was in my own way. I needed to launch and accept that I could research for a year if I kept this up. Importantly, this was the same time I subscribed to Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) social media pages.  Gary Vee has a no nonsense approach to doing things.   His podcasts and short videos on social media are awesome. I currently follow Millennials like  Gerald Adams and Daniel DiPiazza and they’re also great.

Have you heard the negative talk about millennials and how entitled they are? Well, soon I’ll be writing an article on how they motivate me! I would probably still be in the planning and coming soon phase if it wasn’t for Jared Kleinert. He personally sent out a text to me after I visited his website. Several texts later turned into me joining his beta online Facebook group. I’ll blog about that in the next few posts. 

So here I am. I’m motivated the things I can improve upon.  I always wanted to be rich but starting a blog takes a lot of work and you actually have to put in a lot of time before gaining income if any at all. So, my reason for blogging is really to hold myself accountable while hoping to inspire others during the process.

I am not claiming to be anyone’s motivational expert or guru. However, my degree and life experience have afforded me the platform to offer insight on the various subjects on my blog. I wanted to put myself out there as a means to hold myself accountable. Some days I struggle but I will try to share the best of myself and I’m hoping others will take that leap with me.

Are you already motivated and just like reading up on how to stay motivated? Do you lack motivation and struggle with procrastination, setting goals, and being actionable? If so please take this journey with me.