Hi, My name is Kay and I’m humbled that you gave me some of your time. My goal is to be transparent and offer some lessons learned over the years and some themes I’m still learning. This blog will contain information about Motivation, Health & Lifestyle, Personal Finance and Clothing Line Goals: This section is for anyone looking to own their own business. For me, that’s my clothing line.

Why am I here? 

I started this blog because it was the easiest thing that I could do to get the ball rolling on following my dreams. I was always intrigued about reading about the lives of different writers from across the world and how they were getting out of debt, saving their money and building an empire.  I felt like I learned a lot by reading blogs and often wondered what it would be like to write my own.

Of course, that never happened because I was scared to try or I told myself maybe one day. Fortunately, that day is now even though it took some time. I was also worried about what others would think. It’s not easy writing about your life and attempting to make sense of it while explaining it to others. The truth is,  I’m an introvert -that will never change, but I’m learning to follow my gifts which include connecting with people and helping others. 

It was always painfully hard for me to connect with others and when potential friends came my way I always found a way to get out of gatherings and rarely return phone calls.  It took me to about the age of 30 to realize that I made a huge mistake by not following through with some major connections.

Also, that is around the same time I attempted to do better by doing things I normally wouldn’t do.  That would include showing up and welcoming new friends.  Honestly, when you start to value human connections you’ll want to respond differently.

So now in my late 30’s,  I’m starting to feel the rush of wanting to accomplish my dream goals. Consider that my interests in starting a blog have changed from not only wanting to write about personal finance but additional subject matters. It took me a long time to get to this place and I wanted to share with friendly strangers, family, and friends that you can do anything you put your mind to. 

Over the years, I had quite a few business ideas (I’m sure we all do) that I did nothing about. So, instead of constantly having these conversations, I decided to be actionable and put myself out there.  So, I am starting this blog with where I’m at right now with a clear view of my journey and progress. Writing online seemed to be an easy gesture. There are so many things I wish to discuss and I want to try them all before subscribing to one area.

The Catalyst 

The real catalyst was my career and just being unhappy professionally. When I was 21, I just knew that if I went to college things would be perfect. It appeared that my elders were owning homes and living well with their blue collar jobs.  

I assumed that if I went to college I was going to be placing myself further ahead. At least, that is what I was told.  I didn’t make a lot of money after undergraduate school. Then 8 years later I decided to get my Master’s Degree hoping that would put where I needed to be.  At least that is what I was told.

I received my Master’s Degree in Social Work and passed the licensed social worker’s exam and have my LSW. Here I was with a master’s degree and license, now all I needed was 1,920 hours to obtain my clinical license (LCSW). Sounds great right? It is great. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my accomplishments and appreciate my job.

Anyway, I couldn’t muster up the strength to endure the process of doing the hours for the clinical license.  I love helping people but no longer wanted to be a therapist, at least not in the traditional way. I felt more drawn to my childhood dreams, entrepreneurship.  

So, one night after applying for a state job, I gave up. I didn’t want to pay the $25 application fee anymore. I did that probably 5-7 times without much success.  I could have used that money to start a business.

To make matters more real, I had an interview the end of 2016 that left me hopeless. It was a state job. Finally, I was thinking I made it!  I just knew that I would get this job because not only was I qualified, I also interned at a state agency while in graduate school, and professionally knew one of the people interviewing me

I was shattered when I was told that the position pays substantially less than what I was already making. Do I need to remind anyone that I was already mad I wasn’t rich yet but now I was supposed to take a pay cut?

I grew resentful and hated my job, degree and now the huge amount of student loan debt. After my pity party, I realized that everything happens for a reason and having a Master’s Degree is not a bad thing. I was ungrateful.

My job allowed me to go back to school while working and I was promoted me twice.  It’s not my job’s fault that I didn’t follow my dreams. So, I’ve come to terms with it and I’m thankful to have a job because I enjoy supervising. I enjoy assisting staff with finding ways to assist those we serve.

Importantly, I realized that having a job is not always about the money. Don’t get me wrong, the way the world is set up, most of us don’t have a choice to be driven by money.  I didn’t want to spend the rest of my working career applying to state or federal jobs for more money when it wasn’t going to make me happy. That’s the lesson.

Who’s Kay

I was born and raised in NJ. I’m in my late 30’s and share a tiny space with my partner who is almost comparable to an angel.  If your partner doesn’t motivate you and build you up-run like hell. Wait, that’s a different book from another library. Seriously though, I’m comfortable and qualified to say this because I’ve had my share of some crazy relationships.  Relationships are best when there is unconditional love and you are being challenged to be your best. You can only love on each other for so long before that gets old.

I enjoy basketball, listening to music, reading, collecting art, investing, saving money and getting out of debt. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention traveling. I’m a late traveler so I  try to get on a plane at least once a year. 

My interests motivate me to follow my dreams. Let me explain this further. The older I get the more I realize that materialistic things are not that important. So, even though I enjoy collecting art, I’m ready to pause on that or even sell it because traveling is more important. It’s all about the experience for me these days.

This applies to cable. I will turn off cable too because if it meant I can travel to a different country in 6 months (multiply your cable bill by 6 months) off cable goes. Besides, we all know I can’t watch TV anymore now that I’m writing :). 
The point is I’m learning what’s important and that doesn’t involve premium channels.

Anyway, I’m motivated to do things I’ve only dreamed of a year ago. I know I’m not the only one out there not satisfied with being mediocre or just living a life based on what society feels is the correct way.